Friday, November 7, 2008


Ok so the cold-hearted monster (that would be ME) has finally given in. We will get a puppy.

A few things you should know...
1) I hate dogs.
2) We had a dog that was FORCED upon me shortly after Evan was born, and it ran away.
3) Dogs stink. I hate stink.

So this is a big deal for me. I gave in because Evan absolutely LOVES dogs. I mean he screeches at the top of his lungs when he sees one. A few weeks ago, my inlaws got a new puppy and Evan carried that dog around for forever like a baby and kissed on was adorable. This time I made the rules. I wanted something SMALL (this was the biggest factor) and cute and one that I liked. After spending hours searching the web, I found a breed I like. A Pomeranian. Pomeranians have to be the CUTEST puppies out there...and they are cute as adults too! Yay! Anyway, his birthday is coming up so we decided a puppy would make a perfect present. We wanted to get the puppy before it got too cold, so he will be getting his present early.

A few more hours were spent looking for a breeder around our area that didnt completely jack up the prices on dogs. I mean $3000 for a puppy?? Over my dead body. We finally found one that was only an hour away with VERY reasonable prices. We looked over their listings and I am proud to present our new pet...

The breeder has him named "Brad" but that will be changed. He is a Pomeranian, and will join our family in two weeks! I cant wait!


Christia said...

Awww Brad is ADORABLE! :)