Monday, November 3, 2008

DST, Gas Prices, and the election

Nope, not going to tie these in together...although I am sure I could find a way! These are just something I was thinking about this morning and since you are reading MY blog, thats what you are gonna hear about!
Saturday was Daylight Savings Time. Normally, I would love getting an extra hour to sleep but with toddlers DST means mass chaos. The boys absolutely could not stay up past 6:30 last night. They were being holy terrors. We put them down, against our better judgment, and they fell right to sleep. Welllll about 5:19 this morning, I feel a small tap on my cheek. I turn over to see Connor with a sippy in hand and his walking bow legged. I asked him what was up, and he said he wanted milk and that his butt hurt. Apparently, he had a stinky diaper sometime in the night.

I was too tired to get up. I had been up late the night before cleaning, and I didnt go to sleep till 2am...this means I was running on 3 hours when Connor came in. I woke up Daniel (who went to bed at 11pm) and told him to deal with Connor. Daniel changed his diaper, filled his sippy (as well as Evan's sippy) and got them both a baggie of cereal. He then placed them both back in their room and told them it was far too early to get up.

That worked...for about an hour. I refused to get them up before 7:30, so I let them play in their room. Thank goodness they love to play with each other.

Ok, now on to gas prices. I really cannot believe our gas prices are still falling. I thought for sure we would be blasting back up to $3 or more anytime now. The last I checked, the cheapest here is $1.91. I honestly cant believe that I see a DOLLAR when looking at gas prices. It is insane. I dont know when it will start going back up, but this is great for now. I am going to enjoy it.

Last but oh so definitely not least...the election is tomorrow!! I am excited, nervous, and scared to death. I cant wait to vote for my very first time. What a huge election to exercise my right too! I wish there was a better candidate, because at this point, I am voting for the lesser of two evils. I dont believe in anything that Obama stands for and I am vehemently against his stance on abortions. I do not necessarily agree with McCain on everything either...but at least he is conservative on some issues.

Also, I cant believe how many people are giving stuff away if you vote! Starbucks, Krispy Kreme, Ben & Jerry's to name a few. Now of course we dont have a Krispy Kreme or a Ben & Jerry's shop around here so I dont get to partake on the fun. I could get a tall coffee from Starbucks, but...yuck. I just think its funny that America needs food incentives to go vote. :)

Thats it from me for today. If you are in America, above the age of 18 and are registered to vote... GO VOTE!!!!!!!!!! (but only once please)